
KSFE Multi Division Chitty is one of the finest chitty schemes introduced by KSFE.

KSFE is a Miscellaneous Non-Banking Finance company, fully owned by the Government of Kerala and it is one of the most profit-making public sector undertakings of the State of Kerala.

The main attraction of KSFE is its chitties.  You can rely upon them for your hard-earned money to invest safely.
First of all, find out your Branch. To find out your nearest branch of KSFE,  click on FIND YOUR BRANCH.

Once, you found your branch, then visit it, as and when possible to find out a chitty, which is made for you. Before going to the KSFE Branch, please refer to the below link to find out a chitty for you.


Here you can see, what chitty you can join and what type of investments to do at there, as per your monthly budget. Mainly we describe KSFE multi-division chitty, which is more profitable than other chitties, as per the experts in this field.

Here sharing one video to understand what KSFE multi-division chitty is, for your reference.  

KSFE Multi Division Chit | എങ്ങനെ എളുപ്പത്തിൽ ചിട്ടി പിടിക്കാം

Video Courtesy: Genuine Reporter
If you are a PRAVASI, you can also join PRAVASI CHITTY too.
You can find more tools like loans and Interest rates, the advantage of KSFE and GST on Chitty there.

So, let’s make your small amounts into big with KSFE multi-division chitty / other chitties.

Address :

THE KERALA STATE FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES LIMITED, “BHADRATHA”, MUSEUM ROAD, P.B. NO.510,THRISSUR – 680 020. Phone No: 0487 2332255. Toll Free No: 1800 425 3455

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